Florensis understands that today's consumers are looking for more than just beautiful flowers or lush greenery for their gardens.
Something for everyone
Florensis offers a wide range of Retail Concepts that allow consumers to make informed decisions based on their specific preferences and needs. Whether it's drought control, withstanding scorching heat, promoting biodiversity or weather resistance, Florensis has a solution for every garden challenge.
Dry Spot Concept: drought tolerance
For those facing water scarcity or looking for maintenance-free gardening, Florensis presents the Dry Spot Range. This collection consists of a wide selection of annuals and perennials that thrive in dry conditions, require minimal watering and still colour the garden with vibrant flowers.
Hot Spot Concept: heat resistance
In regions with extreme heat and full sun, the Hot Spot Collection offers a vital oasis. Consisting of a diverse range of annuals and perennials, this collection offers plants that can withstand scorching temperatures, giving you a colourful and resilient garden even under the toughest conditions.
Beautiversity Concept: promotes biodiversity
Gardens are not only oases of beauty, but also vital ecosystems. With the Beautiversity Concept, Florensis promotes the coexistence of aesthetics and biodiversity. Carefully selected plants not only improve the visual appeal of the garden, but also attract beneficial insects, thus contributing to a healthier and more balanced ecosystem.
Raintastic Concept: weather-resistant petunias
For gardeners facing unpredictable weather conditions, the Raintastic Concept is a real breakthrough. These resilient petunias are custom-made for European summers. They withstand both heat waves and heavy rains with ease, ensuring continuous flowering and quality throughout the season.
Colour themes: for visually attractive presentations
Besides trend-oriented concepts, Florensis also offers trolley promotions with colour themes, which retailers can use to create visually attractive presentations. These composed assortments not only simplify shopping, but also inspire creativity and design in garden projects. Within this group, we offer, for example, the concepts Blue & White, Yellow & White, Pink & White and Yellow & Blue in matching pots and POS.
In summary, Florensis' Retail Concepts stand for innovation, sustainability and consumer orientation in gardening. By connecting to consumer trends and offering custom-made solutions, Florensis enables growers, retailers and consumers to create beautiful gardens that reflect their values and ambitions.