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Jogo Forest and coffee house

Already before carbon emission became such a big thing, Florensis started around 2011 the Jogo rehabilitation...

Starting in 2011

Already before carbon emission became such a big thing, Florensis started around 2011 the Jogo rehabilitation and reforestation project close to our two production locations in Ethiopia. When local authorities asked us for help with reforestation of degraded and eroded pieces of land, we committed ourselves to a piece of land of twelve hectares. At that time this land was completely degraded, with hardly any vegetation and erosion was a big problem.

The forest

From the start we have planted and replanted ten thousand of trees. We also installed gabions (water barriers made of stones) and dams to stop the erosion. To safeguard the planted trees, we hired two permanent guards from the surrounding villages to protect the land from grazing animals and people cutting trees. Now, in the meantime, a real forest has started to develop with a diversity of trees, lots of birds and even some animals.

In time we got to know the surrounding community of the area, called Jogo Gededa, better. On the request to continue supporting and improving the area, we talked with the community and local government how to turn this into an even more sustainable project.

A coffee house

Jogo Forest is located next to the old road between Modjo and Adama. Adama city is a town with more than one million habitants, and Modjo town has a big container dry port. This strategic location made it interesting to start a hospitality business for truck drivers and other commuters. In the weekends people from both towns can visit the forest and use the facilities.

Together with the local Woman’s association the idea for a coffee house was born. As Florensis we built and donated this, and we granted some micro credits to purchase operation material for serving coffee, tea and other drinks. During the Christmas holiday season in 2020, the operation officially started with already a lot of positive reactions.

Next steps

Our next step is to prepare and sell food in the coffee house and work out the idea to open a small shop with standard items to sell to visitors and the local community. With the funding from the hanging baskets sales action in 2020 at Florensis head office solar panels will be installed. Then also electricity for light, the fridge and music will be available.

By organizing these income generating activities already several people are employed and with the upcoming plans and investment we expect that the project can give an income for 30 families in a short time. Next to this the community can make use of the forest and via the responsible people working there, the protection of the forest is also guaranteed.


Eroded land, status 2017

Eroded land, status 2017



